Thursday, September 10, 2009

Update on Hank

So, I moved out of my apartment a few months ago & before I left, I made sure, while cleaning, to keep Hank on my mind. I told him that, as much as I had come to like him, I thought it was an opportune time for both of us to move on & go our separate ways ~ this would be a good time for him to 'go to The Light'. I made a point of repeating this, inside my head, while I was removing everything from my old closet (where Hank typically 'hung out') & especially while I was cleaning the emptied room. I then sage smudged the whole apartment. I said an 'Our Father' out loud ~ it brought a few tears to my eyes. Then, I attempted to put Hank out of my mind & get on with my moving.

I've been inbetween places for a while now, traveling between cities, moving my stuff & I haven't noticed him lurking around any corners. Then a few nights ago, I was visiting a friend in SF ~ a Pisces who had *seen* Hank before, at my old place & he asked me about him. I was telling him this story & he said that he got an image of Hank in his 3rd eye while I spoke & Hank didn't look 'dead' anymore ~ he looked good & filled with a golden light. That was a very good sign! I am curious to see how my new closet will feel, in a new city.

image credit to Tom Vezo