Monday, June 25, 2007

Discovering Astrology

I wrote this in response to a question & wanted to share......

> What do you mean that the world makes so much
> more sense to you after "discovering" astrology?

Well, I've got 6+ planets in the sign of Scorpio ~ which makes me very, very, very Scorpionic ~ it's like I'm a walking Scorpio textbook. During my childhood (up until I was like 23 I didn't know anything about astrology), I didn't understand why I seemed to "scare" other people more than seemed "reasonable"...... I mean, I knew my birthday was the day before Halloween & I was into punk music ~ but I was/am a more than "nice" person ~ helpful, considerate, etc. & yet somehow I kept freaking people out ~ without even trying to.... the fact that I have an Aries ascendant just compounded this "problem" ~ the Aries ascendant means that other people will see me as being more intimidating & pushy than I seem to myself.

Up 'till this point I thought that I was a bit "dysfunctional" but I couldn't figure out a "reason" why ~ my parents never divorced or abused me in any way that I could remember ~ I got good grades in school, wasn't deprived during my childhood, etc..... when I finally saw & had my chart interpreted ~ I realized that I wasn't "dysfunctional" ~ in fact, I was "highly functional" ~ no matter how much I tried to be "normal" & "fit in" it just wasn't supposed to happen.

Scorpios are attracted to the "dark side" of life. We are the sign that is most comfortable in the underground, back alleys & taboo places in life ~ the places that few other people even want to acknowledge is being there. No wonder I kept making people uncomfortable by just being me!

Also ~ as a born translator (my father is deaf & I was raised interpreting for him), astrology gave me a symbolic language to translate the reality I lived in into terms that were more "acceptable" and/or understandable to other people ~ who, for the most part, are not as Scorpio minded as I am.

Up until this point, I had assumed that everyone else "saw" the world the same way I did. It confused me a bit ~ the way that everybody else seemed to ignore things that were as obvious to me as the nose on my face ~ but hey, it's a free country & I just thought that other people had "reasons" for making the choices they did that they didn't care to share with me. It never occurred to me that most people didn't even see these things & that's why they didn't pay any attention to them and/or got all freaked out when I would bring stuff up in regular conversations. Scorpio is known for being extra-sensitive & having a highly focused eye ~ kind of like an eagle.

Once I learned the language of astrology ~ was like , "Oh! THAT'S the reason I experienced so-&-so!" ~ something that up until this point, science ~ the subject that I excelled in during school & my personal studies ~ had no "reasonable explanation" that could satisfy my almost obsessive curiosity & well developed research skills (other typical Scorpionic traits).

For example, I really thought that I was one of the minority who HADN'T been sexually molested as a child 'cuz so many people, usually within the first half hour or so of meeting me, would spill their guts about some horrible childhood abuse or another & I would listen, aware that this person really needed to get this off their chest & just tell someone ~ I had no idea that as a multiple Scorpio other people could just "sense" that I was the "right" person whom they could tell/unload to & that people who had dark, scary secrets to release are disproportionately "attracted" to me ~ this doesn't "normally" happen to other people. Well, it "normally" happened to me!

I hope all of this makes some sense to you & answers your question ~ thanx for asking!

love all-ways,

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